If you've worked hard to build an online subscription network the last thing you want is to lose all of your subscribers or have your subscription-based content go unread. Building subscription-based content really takes time and building a network takes even more time so it's very important that you can keep hold of these subscribers to continue to spread your message and market future products to them. John Phanchalad has had extensive experience in developing newsletters and subscription-based content across multiple websites and has experienced amazing success in online marketing. If you are interested in using subscription-based content to market a product it's very important that you follow some of these tips that have helped people like John to find their success.

Build relationships with welcome e-mails and confirmation posts: there is nothing worse than having subscription-based content that makes you feel like just a number or part of a big pool. If you can create some custom scripts that can customize each of your subscribers e-mails to at least include their name, or get scripts that will recognize past products that they have purchased from your store, this can help all of the future content that they receive from you seem much more personalized. Ultimately keeping subscription involves establishing a relationship with that subscriber. Sending a welcome e-mail thanking them for an order or for simply subscribing can leave a big impact.

Offer ongoing incentive: there is nothing that will cause someone to unsubscribe from the service faster than if there is no ongoing benefit to them. If you are simply using your subscription-based content as a means for advertising people may have difficulty sticking with your subscription-based service. If you can offer specialty deals for subscribing or even a loyalty rewards program for subscribers who have continued on with your service for a long period of time, this can help you to make sure that people will consistently be reading the content you send out. Ongoing benefits are one of the best ways that you can make sure you will not end up losing subscribers.

Variety: a simple template for your ongoing subscription-based content can get very tedious. Make sure to change up all of the e-mails you send out as well as the offers you send out as well. This will strongly encourage people to look at the subscription-based content to see what has changed and if it can benefit them.

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